Paedophilia in international context is a very serious despicable crime. It is equally as bad as arsenic act, murder, and terrorism.
Picture above is of Richard Huckle, dubbed the U.K’s worst paedophile by the British media. Recently he was sentenced for abusing 23 Malaysian and Cambodian children and babies, including one aged just six months. He is believed to have targeted nearly 200 children over a span of nine years, posing as a photographer, English teacher and western philanthropist to gain access to impoverished families, mostly in Malaysia.
Malaysians are outraged to why our authority did not take enough action to prevent or punish his monstrosity? The explanation is simple. Our authority, the Police, MCMC, Imams, Priests, and the rest of it did not understand the meaning of “paedophile”, and hence did not understand the level of its seriousness. If the terms “child molester”, “child rapist” or “perogol kanak-kanak” were used instead, perhaps some of the figure of authority would have understood it and taken the matter more seriously. Even Chairman of MARA, Tan Sri Annuar Musa doesn’t understand the severity of this when he refuse to condemn a MARA scholar for receiving jail sentence in the UK for possessing child pornography, instead decided to continue his scholarship. It is very shameful for us Malaysians, and we only have ourselves to blame for this stupidity.
The matters got worst as recently also UNICEF reported cases of online child pornography which even involve parents in selling sickening children video footage for money in the deepweb. It seems that there is a cancerous tumor in ASEAN society which takes this matter lightly. The so called “sophisticated and society driven” Telco companies in this region are also too self-centered to even bother monitoring the deepweb, most likely because they are busy tracing political hackers and kissing the back side of politicians for their own gain.
Things are getting really bad, and unfortunately there are many still sleeping.