This book is the political book writen by Tunku Zain Al- Abidin Muhriz . This book is a comprises articles selected mainly from the author’s column, Abiding Times, in theSun, that published between March 2008 and August 2010. This is the extraordinary book by an exceptionally talented Malaysian writer and thinker. The author, has strong views on the place democractic principles, values and practice in modern society.  The article is written in straightforward and the language that been used in this book it easy to read. From this book it offering the reader some challenging views about accountability in politics, education and civil liberty in the country at present. In the ends of this chapter, the readers will realized there are many of the arguments are compelling in this book.


Author : Tunku Zain Al-‘Abidin Muhriz

Category : Politics

ISBN : 9789814382809

Publisher : Marshall Cavendish International (Asia) Pte Ltd

Price : RM 31.90